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Rathilal, Sudesh
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Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12015The applicability of nanofiltration for the treatment and reuse of textile reactive dye effluentChollom, Martha Noro ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Pillay, Visvanathan Lingamurti ; Alfa, Dorcas 
22017Characteristics of greywater from different sources within households in a community in Durban, South AfricaBakare, Babatunde F. ; Mtsweni, Sphesihle ; Rathilal, Sudesh 
32011Correlations for the prediction of NTU and mass transfer coefficient for a VPERathilal, Sudesh ; Carsky, Milan ; Heyberger, A. ; Rouskova, M. 
48-Jul-2016Development and evaluation of a small scale water disinfection systemAlfa, Dorcas ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Pikwa, Kumnandi ; Chollom, Martha Noro ; Pillay, Visvanathan Lingamurti 
529-Dec-2013Difference of hydrodynamics for a VPE with and without mass transfer and effect of agitation level on extent of mass transferRathilal, Sudesh ; Carsky, Milan ; Heyberger, A. ; Rouskova, M. 
62017Effect of sieve tray hole diameter on the efficiency of a vibrating plate extractorSincuba, Nomakhosi Dorothy ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Carsky, Milan 
72016Evaluation of flux stabilisation using Bio-UF membrane filter on KZN Rivers, South AfricaThoola, Maipato Immaculate ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Pillay, Lingham V. 
8Jun-2017Fouling mitigation on a woven fibre microfiltration membrane for the treatment of raw waterChollom, Martha Noro ; Pikwa, Kumnandi ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Pillay, Visvanathan Lingamurti 
92017Investigation of BTEX compounds adsorption onto polystyrenic resinMakhathini, Thobeka Pearl ; Rathilal, Sudesh 
102015Investigation of the effects of tray downcomer design on the efficiency of a vibrating plate extractorSincuba, Nomakhosi Dorothy ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Carsky, Milan 
112014Modified coconut fiber used as adsorbent for the removal of 2-chlorophenol and 2, 4, 6-trichlorophenol from aqueous solutionOjha, Priyanka ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Singh, Kunwar 
122016A pilot study into public attitudes and perceptions towards greywater reuse in a low cost housing development in Durban, South AfricaBakare, Babatunde F. ; Mtsweni, Sphesihle ; Rathilal, Sudesh 
132015Reclamation of end-of-pipe textile effluent using low energy membrane systemsXaba, P ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Pillay, L. 
142017Treatment of industrial mineral oil wastewater – effects of coagulant type and dosageTetteh, E. Kweinor ; Rathilal, Sudesh ; Robinson, Kate