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Title: Constructed wetlands : a future alternative wastewater treatment technology
Authors: Mthembu, M. S. 
Odinga, C. A. 
Swalaha, Feroz Mahomed 
Bux, Faizal 
Keywords: Rhizofiltration;Microbial biofilms;Wastewater treatment;Treatment mechanism
Issue Date: 17-Jul-2013
Publisher: Academic Journals
Source: Mthembu, M.S., Odinga, C.A., Swalaha, F.M. and Bux, F. 2013. Constructed wetlands: a future alternative wastewater treatment technology. African Journal o f Biotechnology, 12(29): 4542-4553.
Wastewater treatment will always pose problems if there are no new alternative technologies in place to
replace the currently available technologies. More recently, it has been estimated that developing
countries will run out of water by 2050. This is a course for concern not only to the communities but
also a challenge to the scientist to find new ways of wastewater recycling. Water losses can be avoided
the rough implementation of easy and inexpensive technologies for wastewater treatment. Environmental
concerns over insufficiently performing septic systems and high expenses in the construction of sewer
systems as well as their operations with centralized water purification systems have spurred
investigation into the appropriateness of the use of wetland technology for wastewater treatment.
Constructed wetland efficiency and potential application in wastewater treatment has been reported
decades ago. However, the logistics and research for their commercial applications in wastewater
treatment has not been documented in details. Research has shown that wetland systems can achieve
high treatment efficiencies with regards to both organic and inorganic nutrients as well as pathogen
removal if properly managed and efficiently utilized. This can have a profound effect in the management
and conservation of our scarce and yet depleting water resources.
DOI: 10.5897/AJB2013.12978
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Water and Wastewater Technology)

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