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Title: Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) in the developing economy : a case of the hotel sector
Authors: Nyide, Celani John 
Lekhanya, Lawrence Mpele 
Keywords: Developing economy;EMA Tools;Environmental Costs;Environmental Perofrmance;Enabling and Limiting Factors
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Virtus Interpress
Source: Nyide, C. J. and Lekhanya, L.M. 2016. Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) in the developing economy : a case of the hotel sector. Corporate Ownership & Control. 13(4): 575-582.
Journal: Corporate ownership & control (Online) 
The adoption of EMA is triggered by certain factors such as human resources, compliance to legislation, market factors, just to name but a few. However, the literature points out that there are limiting factors that impede the application of EMA, particularly in the developing economy. Currently, there is limited existing research on EMA practices available for use by the hotel sector in the devel...
ISSN: 1810-3057
DOI: 10.22495/cocv13i4c4p7
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Management Sciences)

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