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Title: An exploration of the impact of digital marketing on SMEs Growth and brand popularity in rural South Africa
Authors: Lekhanya, Lawrence Mpele 
Keywords: Digital marketing;Exploration;Brand popularity;Rural;SMEs
Issue Date: Oct-2015
Publisher: IFRD
Source: Lekhanya, L.M. 2015. An exploration of the impact of digital marketing on SMEs Growth and brand popularity in rural South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies. 7 (5) : 37-42.
Journal: Journal of economics and behavioral studies 
The purpose of the study is to establish understand of digital marketing and its use by SMEs in rural South Africa, the extent of its use, examining contributing factors to its use and their implications. Primary data was collected using a quantitative research technique with the use of a structured questionnaire as the survey instrument. A total of 134 SMEs operating in rural KwaZulu –Natal were...
ISSN: 2220-6140
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Management Sciences)

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