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Title: Impact evaluation of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) in the department of Academic Administration at a University of Technology (UoT) in South Africa
Authors: Kunene, Xolani Sunshine 
Keywords: Organizational evolution;Higher educational institutions;Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Issue Date: Jan-2021
Organizational evolution is an inevitable trend in higher educational institutions.
Aside from being dynamic entities themselves, organizations operate under dynamic
environments and exist to serve the needs of other entities that equally evolve. Most
importantly, the services offered by organizations are susceptible client’s deliberate
or induced changes. To remain relevant is a function of the quality of service offered
and ability to continually add value in alignment with current demands. Ensuring this
continuity is a monumental challenge that requires organizations to implement
suitable strategies to monitor and evaluate their business processes to remain
relevant, efficient, and competitive. This has given credence to the implementation of
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) in higher education to address operational
The primary aim of this study is to investigate the impact of Business Process Reengineering implementation in the Department of Academic Administration in a
University of Technology in South Africa. The research study objectives were:
• To examine employee’s awareness of the broad principles of Business
Process Re-engineering implementation in Higher Education;
• To investigate the impact of Business Process Re-engineering on
employee’s work daily routines, and
• To investigate perception of employees on the success of Business Process
The research main question was: What impact has Business Process Re-engineering
implementation had in the Department of Academic Administration in a University of
Technology in South Africa? The sub-questions were:
• What level of awareness exist amongst employees about Business Process
• What are the factors relevant for Business Process Re-engineering success?
• What is the implementation status of Business Process Re-engineering in
the Department of Academic Administration?
A non-probability sampling method was used in this study. Relevant information was
obtained through the application of the questionnaire, which was then classified into
themes. A quantitative method approach was used. Self-administered questionnaires
were used for data collection, consisting of both structured and one open-ended
survey question. The study population included one hundred and ten employees and
a sample of sixty, total returned responses of forty-nine (49). Respondents included
both academic and administrative (support) staff members. Data analysis was
conducted through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23,
for both descriptive and inferential statistics.
The findings of this study indicate that the implementation of Business Process Reengineering had a positive impact in a specific University of Technology. First positive
impact is based on employee perception that automation has resulted in an increased
use of online services, secondly departments were able to respond rapidly to
problems and the strategic goal of the project was aligned with the departmental goal.
This study contributes towards an under-researched area of Business Process Reengineering implementation in the administrative sector in higher education. The
researcher envision that the findings will help in expanding Business Process Reengineering to other departments in a University of Technology, as well as provide
BPR strategies to enhance the administrative quality of university services.
Submitted in fulfillment of Master of Technology in Public Administration, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2021.
Appears in Collections:Theses and dissertations (Management Sciences)

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