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Title: Braneworld gravastars admitting conformal motion
Authors: Banerjee, Ayan 
Rahaman, Farook 
Sayeedul, Isaam 
Govender, Megandhren 
Issue Date: Jan-2016
Publisher: Springer Link
Source: Banerjee, A. et al. 2016. Braneworld gravastars admitting conformal motion. The European Physical Journal C. 76(34). DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-3887-1
Journal: European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (Internet) 
In this work, we study the Mazur and Mottola gravastar model within the context of Randall-Sundrum II type braneworld scenario, based on the fact that our four dimensional space-time is a three-brane, embedded in a five dimensional bulk. We present exact solutions of the modified field equations in each of the three regions making up the gravastar, namely, (I) the core, (II) the shell, and (III) the vacuum exterior. The junction conditions at each interface are fulfilled and we further explore interesting physical properties such as length and energy and entropy of the spherical distribution.
ISSN: 1434-6044 (print)
1434-6052 (online)
DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-3887-1
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Applied Sciences)

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