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Title: Exploring student perceptions of using the learning management system and social media for blended learning at a rural university
Authors: Moodley, Padhma 
Singh, Rachael Jesika 
Cloete, J. 
Keywords: Blended learning;Social networking technologies;Students;Barriers
Issue Date: Jan-2015
Publisher: UNISA Press
Source: Moodley, P.; Singh, R.J. and Cloete, J. 2015. Exploring student perceptions of using the learning management system and social media for blended learning at a rural university. Progressio: South African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice. 37(1): 68-82.
Journal: Progressio (Pretoria) 
Blended learning combines the strength of face-to-face learning with e-learning, which has become the catalyst for education reform today. Unfortunately there are many obstacles that can derail this format of hybrid learning before it can reach its full potential, especially at universities where budgetary constraints inhibit the development of the information and communication infrastructure. Thi...
ISSN: 0256-8853
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Management Sciences)

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