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Title: The effects of capital structure on the operational efficiency of Small and Medium-Sized manufacturing enterprises (SMSME) in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Authors: Nxumalo, Nomfundo Kuhlekonke Minenhle 
Keywords: Capital structure;Operational efficiency;Access to financial assistant and;SMSME (SMEs)
Issue Date: 16-Dec-2021
The study examined the effects of capital structure on the operational efficiency of
SMSME (SMSME) in Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa (SA). The objective
of the research work was to evaluate the difficulties that SMSME in PMB face in accessing
financial aid from financial institutions. Furthermore, to examine the factors that influence
the operational efficiency of SMSME in PMB. Finally, to determine the impacts of capital
structure on the operational efficiency of SMSME in PMB.
The study was cross-sectional and utilized a quantitative research method. The primary
data gathering instrument was a survey questionnaire. The researcher used an adjusted
sampling procedure that yielded a sample size of 107, but the researcher decided to
employ the whole target population of 148, which resulted in 141 responses. The
information was gathered by survey questionnaires and analyzed with the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
According to the findings of this research work, most manufacturing SMEs could not
access funding because of the information gap. Some of the most notable findings
suggested that SMEs lack the requirements to access the loan. Internal sources of funding
are preferred by most SMEs since they are easier to get and less expensive. The findings
show that the capital structure of the organization is influenced by the business size, its
age, its profitability, and its assets. The longer a business has been around and the larger
it is, the more it indicates that it can withstand difficult economic times. Instead of making
decisions on capital structure based on broad overviews, the study advised that
businesses should examine closely and compare the cost of capital to the value that may
be gained from it when deciding on the capital structure composition. This will assist
managers in ensuring a profit at the end of the day.
This finding contradicts the findings of most research done in developed countries, which
suggest that capital structure and the performance of a firm (operational efficiency) possess a positive relationship. The findings of this study reveal that, even though some
government funding and support groups have been there for a long time, small firms are
still uninformed of them, and those that are aware are underutilizing them. The findings of
the research work supported the pecking order theory which suggests that a firm should
utilize internal sources to keep away from asymmetric information costs. However, if the
sources internally are not sufficient to finance the operations of the business, they can
look at the external sources to finance.
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of Accounting: Financial Accounting,
Durban University of Technology, 2021.
Appears in Collections:Theses and dissertations (Accounting and Informatics)

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