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Title: A mutual lightweight authentication scheme for fog-cloud-based e-health services
Authors: Nleya, Bakhe
Keywords: E-health;Mutual authentication;D2D communication;Privacy;Security
Issue Date: 30-Dec-2021
Publisher: Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)
Source: Nleya, B. 2021. A mutual lightweight authentication scheme for fog-cloud-based e-health services. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry. 12: 6569-6586 (18).
Journal: Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry; Vol. 12
The new version Internet network, now referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates
interconnectivity among various objects and devices. The introduction of both Cloud and
Fog computing paradigms, device device-to-device (D2D) communication standards, as well
as enabling privacy and security approaches, have all contributed to the practical realization
of E-health services in IoT-enabled networks. Gen-erally, Fog layer nodes are often located
in public places, where they are easily accessible and thus vulnerable to various securi-ty
threats. Should this occur, the current and previously gener-ated security keys, as well as
device identities, must be kept secret thus ensuring anonymity, unlinkability, forward
secrecy, e.t.c. Thus in this paper, we introduce an E-Health authenti-cation and security
architecture for the D2D-Aided fog compu-ting model, that facilitates verification of key
components such as patients and peripheral devices without involving a central-ized cloud
server. This is followed by a proposal for a light-weight anonymous authentication protocol
(LAAP) to carry out authentication of the various parties in an E-health system. The proposed
protocol is evaluated for various scenarios in D2D-Aided fog computing. Lightweight
crypto- graphic primi-tives such as exclusive-or operations and one-way hash func-tion are
relied upon to facilitate the inclusion of resource-constrained end-user devices mostly
incorporated in body area networks (BANs). Ultimately we carry out an evaluation of the
proposed proposal in terms of its efficacy, and security. The proposed protocol is generally
found to be practically feasible for implementation in E-health service infrastructures.
Journal listed in 2021 DHET list
ISSN: 1309-6591
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Engineering and Built Environment)

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