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Title: An analysis of patients transported by a private helicopter emergency medical service in South Africa
Authors: Muhlbauer, Dagmar 
Naidoo, Raveen 
Hardcastle, T.C. 
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: SAMJ
Source: Muhlbauer, D.; Naidoo, R. and Hardcastle, T.C. 2016. An analysis of patients transported by a private helicopter emergency medical service in South Africa. South African Medical Journal. 106(2): 201-205.
Journal: SAMJ. South African medical journal 
Background. A helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) is a specialist flying emergency service where on-board medical personnel have both the knowledge and equipment to perform complicated medical procedures. The paucity of literature describing the types of patients flown by HEMS in South Africa (SA) and their clinical outcome poses a challenge for current aeromedical services, as there is no...
ISSN: 0256-9574
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Health Sciences)

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