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Title: A desktop evaluation of the potential impact of nanotechnology applications in the field of environmental health in a developing country
Authors: Naidoo, Levani 
Kistnasamy, Emilie Joy 
Keywords: Nanotechnology;Health;Food safety;Water remediation;Primary health care;South Africa
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Science and Education Publishing
Source: Naidoo, L. and Kistnasamy, E.J. 2015. A desktop evaluation of the potential impact of nanotechnology applications in the field of environmental health in a developing country. American Journal of Public Health Research. 3(5): 182-186
Journal: American journal of public health research (Online) 
Nanotechnology is the latest addition to enhancing lifestyles of the human population. It also has an impact on the core parts that are vital to the well-being of humanity and its’ sustainability. Nanotechnology has been researched and is implemented in a number of countries at a commercialized level. However, in South Africa, nanotechnology is still being explored at grassroots with a few private...
ISSN: 2327-6703
DOI: 10.12691/ajphr-3-5-1
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Health Sciences)

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