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Title: Spherically symmetric static matter configurations with vanishing radial pressure
Authors: Thirukkanesh, S. 
Govender, M. 
Lortan, Darren Brendan 
Keywords: Static spheres;Pressure anisotropy;Hydrostatic equilibrium
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Source: Thirukkanesh, S.; Govender, M. and Lorton, D.B. 2015. Spherically symmetric static matter configurations with vanishing radial pressure. International Journal of Modern Physics D. Vol 24(1) :
Journal: International journal of modern physics D 
We present a new family of spherically symmetric, static solutions of the Einstein field equations in isotropic, comoving coordinates. The radial pressure at each interior point of these models vanishes yet equilibrium is still possible. The constant density Florides solution which describes the gravitational field inside an Einstein cluster is obtained as a special case of our solution-generating method. We show that our solutions can be utilized to model strange star candidates such as Her. X-1, SAX J1808.4-3658(SS2), SAX J1808.4-3658(SS1) and PSR J1614-2230.
Copyright: 2015.WorldScientific Publishing. Due to copyright restrictions, only the abstract is available. For access to the full text item, please consult the publisher's website. The definitive version of the work is published in International Journal of Modern Physics D, vol 24, Issue 1, January 2015
ISSN: 0218-2718
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Applied Sciences)

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