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Title: Conceptual framework of environmental sustainable interventions with the use of green infrastructure design criteria on projects
Authors: Saroop, Shian Hemraj 
Allopi, Dhiren 
Keywords: Green Technology;Infrastructure design;Eco-efficiency;Sustainable development;Green infrastructure
Issue Date: 2014
Source: Saroop, S. Allopi, and Prof. D. 2014. Conceptual framework of environmental sustainable interventions with the use of green infrastructure design criteria on projects. Proceedings of the 33rd Southern African Transport Conference (SATC 2014)
This paper presents a conceptual framework that incorporates eco-efficiency on Infrastructure projects with the use of the environmentally sustainable criteria on infrastructure projects.
Mainstreaming environmental aspects and incorporating the eco-efficiency concept into various stages of infrastructure development have not been considered as much as they should have been. Engineers need to look at greener technologies rather than just using traditional engineering solutions.
This paper aims to develop a framework that enables a project to be designed in accordance with environmentally sustainable criteria. The key aim of the framework was to create a more socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable neighbourhood, which focused on combating flooding, waste management, water recycling and enhancing biodiversity.
ISBN: 978-1-920017-61-3
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Engineering and Built Environment)

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