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Title: Introduction of a blended teaching strategy in an occupational health nursing education programme
Authors: Orton, Penelope Margaret 
Nokes, Kathleen M. 
Keywords: e-learning;Occupational health nursing
Issue Date: Sep-2012
Publisher: Occupational Health Southern Africa
Source: Orton, P. and Nokes, K.M. 2012. Introduction of a blended teaching strategy in an Occupational Health Nursing Education programme. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 18(5): 4-7.
Journal: Occupational health Southern Africa 
The purpose of this case study is to describe the use of a blended learning strategy to address some of the challenges experienced by adult nursing students in a specialised occupational health nursing course. These students are generally employed on a full-time basis and have a number of competing responsibilities that may impact on their studies. Blended learning using e-learning and face-to-face problem-based learning was identi- fied as a useful educational strategy to address some of the challenges faced by these students in furthering their education. A blended learning strategy addresses the main assumptions of adult education, including self-directed learning, experience as a resource for learning, readiness to learn, problem-centred orientation with immediacy of application, and internal motivation. This educational strategy is recommended for adult learners and a formal evaluation of this blended learning method is planned.
ISSN: 10246274
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Health Sciences)

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